
Case Entrevias


Entrevias Concessionária de Rodovias S.A., operates and manages the concession for the Rodovias do Centro-Oeste Paulista lot, which comprises 570 kilometers of roads that cross the State of São Paulo, connecting Minas Gerais to Paraná. It started operations in July 2017, investing in infrastructure, signaling, technology, human and operational resources to serve users.

What was the client’s problem?

The highway needed to offer Wi-Fi coverage to its users so that the communication between the drivers and the dealership could be made, both to find out about traffic information and to ask for SOS - Socorro in case of needs.

What was the solution presented?

3CORP was responsible for the development and implementation of Wi Fi coverage on 576 km of highway; Total of 1,200 posts installed with the SPDA system; 100% coverage via roaming (1,200 Access Points) totaling 2400 sector antennas; Solar Energy System, 1,200 units; Wattages -30 / 60 / 90W; Autonomy of up to 72 hours; Telemetry systems, battery status monitoring and anti-vandal sensors.

Results achieved

Among the results obtained by the client with this solution, the following stand out: The system makes it easier and more modern to access the Concessionaire’s services and provides users with more security. The service to the user was geared to attend to various information - map, tariff values ??- and support and emergency incidents. The smartphone connection to Entrevias S.O.S is quite simple. After selecting the network and being connected, the user can take advantage of two options for contacting the CCO: through the website or through the application, available for IOS and Android systems, in the Apple Store and Google Play


Stand outs among the results obtained by the client with this solution include:

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