
Case Paschoalotto


Paschoalotto is a national teleservice company with more than 20 years of experience offering financial services and is a leader in credit recovery in Brazil. Currently, the company has 7,000 internal customers and 7,250 service positions, is headquartered in São Paulo and has 26 subsidiaries located throughout the country, which are operated through a customer service structure designed to meet the needs of each client. As a differentiating element, Paschoalotto developed PagouFácil, a solution to manage collections and negotiate debts online.

What was the client’s problem?

Typically, collection companies deal with large institutions that require lots of information to be made available in real time. This is a requirement of the big banks. Paschoalotto seeks to optimize costs. The great challenge was to provide information and good service to the banks linked to a reduction in costs. Collection companies are on a quest to implement omnichannel solutions because, in doing so, you end up achieving these two goals: (1) provide a good service to the client who is hiring Paschoalotto and (2) reduce costs. The omnichannel solution within a collection company can create a billing rule that, depending on the type of action target adopted by Paschoalotto, can be designed to explore whether the customer will be served through SMS, email, social media, virtual agent, voice call or a composition of all these strategies. In addition to this, the Omnichannel solution provides information, reports that can be forwarded to Paschoalotto´s clients (the big banks), showing them the reality of the service performed in that client´s customer portfolio. In the collection business, the more you improve your activities, the more efficiency you have.

What was the solution presented?

Based on the problems presented, 3CORP, in partnership with Enghouse, identified that Paschoalotto had to automate routine and simple negotiations of its collection processes, a requirement that it could not achieve with previously used technologies. The objective was focused on reducing costs, especially human resources, through self-service. For this, the idea was to be able to actively contact debtors through outbound services and negotiation through natural voice recognition.

Results achieved

The application of the Omnichannel platform allowed all these needs to be met. The client has exceeded all the indicators and results that had been achieved so far. The project resulted in a greater number of debt renegotiations with fewer calls, without human interference. Since the basic messages were previously recorded to have a more humanized service aspect, the IVR flow developed for this client minimized the sensation of talking to a machine. In numbers, our results were:

- 40% in the CCP rate
- 30% of calls classification reaching a total of 95% the assertiveness index
- 20% of financial agreements


Stand outs among the results obtained by the client with this solution include:
40% in the CCP rate

Increased number of debt renegotiations

20% of financial agreements

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