
Case Vogel


Vogel has the largest national fiber optic network of its own destined exclusively for the corporate market, with more than 24 thousand kilometers in length. The company is present in 13 states and more than 600 cities, covering more than 80% of national PIB.

What was the client’s problem?

Among the problems presented by the company was the diversity of manufacturers to provide the solution, which created many maintenance difficulties.

What was the solution presented?

The project developed at Vogel includes 2 product lines: the DWDM and MPLS platform. DWDM technology aims to optimize the use of the fiber optic network at 30 Vogel sites in the Southern region, as well as unifying the network platform. Currently, Vogel still has other manufacturers, but with the completion of the project, the network infrastructure will be 95% Huawei. The MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) or advanced routing network will allow the flow of information / data between company networks. This latest technology includes Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre. These are two product lines that ultimately communicate.

Vogel, one of the 5 best-connected operators in Brazil, chose 3CORP and Huawei Enterprise to develop their network project.

Results achieved

According to the CEO of Vogel Telecom, the choice of 3CORP and Huawei contributed to the company becoming a strategic partner in the growth of major players in Brazil.


Stand outs among the results obtained by the client with this solution include:


Possibility of future expansion to other planned phases

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