"Facing a period of crisis with cloud communication solutions". This is the theme of our webinar to be held next Wednesday, March 31, at 10h30 am. The home office is a type of work that has grown year by year and has become even more accentuated due to the events related to COVID-19. We want to help you perform remote work effectively and safely. For this reason, 3CORP Technology and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise invite you to a webinar where we will discuss Unified Communication solutions in Cloud and Cloud PBX. Speaker: Marcos Silva Filho - CALA Cloud Business Engine from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Click on this link to register and participate with us: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/351210807994795787. Don't miss out and learn how to use corporate collaboration tools at no cost now! #webinar #rainbow # covid19 #communication # promotion #semcusto #cloudpbx # 3CORP #AlcatelLucentEnterprise #Brasil # SãoPaulo #Barueri #Tambore #Alphaville #SP #homeoffice #Coronavirus