
IT and Telecom World News


With a focus on technological updating, our CEO Giuseppe Forestiero, alongside Rodrigo Cavalcante, Naldo Silva, Marcos Silva Filho, Gilberto Zacaro Junior, are present in Shenzen, Guangdong province, this week, with important 3CORP customers and executives from Huawei's Board of Directors , visiting the headquarters and factory of our technological partner, in addition to participating in the Huawei Conect 2023 event, from September 20th to 22nd in Shanghai,

The event will address the acceleration of industry intelligence, with partners, customers and industry experts, exploring the theme “Accelerate Intelligence”: Technologies such as AI, networks and cloud are converging, changing the way we work and live, as industries evolve and chart a new direction for where smart technology is heading, the opportunities it presents and how we can effectively integrate intelligence into industrial settings.

At its headquarters in Shenzen, on its immense campus in the Chinese technology capital, Huawei has 25,000 employees distributed across 108 buildings that form 12 "mini" cities that recall the architecture of several emblematic regions in Europe, such as Bruges, Belgium , Paris, France, Verona, Italy, among others.

   #3corp #Huawei #huaweiconect2023 #technology #Shenzen

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3CORP celebrates a partnership with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

3CORP celebrates a partnership with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in a customer relationship event at Accademia Gastronomica, in Farol Santander.


3CORP at Huawei Cloud Summit 2023

Our employees were ready to update themselves on the launches and we had a stand to promote the company and our solutions in partnership with Huawei Cloud.

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