Job for Electronic Assistant | Work with us | 3CORP Technology

Job opportunity

Electronic Assistant

Professional responsible for testing, repairing and assembling equipment electronic and mechanical, ensuring their proper functioning.

Description of Activities: Carry out tests and maintenance of electronic and/or mechanical circuits and components, of electronic equipment; Telephony and PABX central; Repair and testing of 110/220 volts, 44vdc power supplies; Perform the assembly of devices, circuits or electronic components, using appropriate techniques and tools; Carry out repairs to electronic systems or mechanical sets of equipment, according to requests received or from detected problems; Perform tests on electronic equipment/components assembled or repaired, making adjustments when necessary, ensuring their proper functioning; Ensure the safekeeping, conservation, maintenance and cleaning of equipment, instruments and materials used, as well as the workplace; Organize files and guide the sending and receiving of documents relevant to their area of expertise.

Required: Technical training in electronics (attended or completed); Work experience or similar

Headquarters Workplace: Santana de Parnaíba (100% On-site)

Working hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Friday from 09:00 to 18:00

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